MVP Mutts and More!
MVP Mutts… and More!
A partnership with the Maine Veterans Project to find homes for harder to place animals with those who have served our country.
MVP Mutts… and more was born in November 2023 as a way to match our quirky long-stay dogs (and cats, too!) to the very people that will never, never, never give up; who have the exact right balance of affection and discipline; who will give these furry friends the wonderful lives they’ve been waiting so patiently for.
Long-stay dogs
Over the last several years, we have seen an increase in the number of long-stay dogs. Wonderful, loyal, smart, funny dogs who have a few quirks and need owners who will work hard to understand and protect them, even if it means making a few adjustments to their lives. The very training military veterans receive early on means that not giving up is almost hard-wired and makes them a perfect match for our harder-to-place dogs. These animals need help, and veterans are perfect for the job. That they are repaid in licks, love, and loyalty ain’t too shabby.
Animals are ALWAYS 50% off for our active-duty military and veterans, but if you are the right match for one of these pets and can’t afford the adoption fee, we definitely won’t let that be a barrier. Please take a moment to see if any of these friends might be the purr-fect fit for you and then give us a call!
We will happily accommodate scheduling demands for vets who are interested in this program as most adoptions for MVP Mutts… and more will require multiple visits for familiarity, trust, and bonding- please speak with our adoption counselors to schedule visits or get more information by calling 207-942-8902 or emailing [email protected].
Doc and Brick’s Story

Doc Goodwin is a Navy combat veteran with 7.5 years of service as a Corpsman. In 2015, in an effort to reduce suicide rates among vets, Doc founded the Maine Veterans Project, whose mission is to help Maine veterans through direct support programs, recreation, and activities aimed at helping to reignite camaraderie. In short, the goal of MVP is to help veterans find purpose.
In 2018, Doc adopted then 3-year old terrier mix, Brick. Brick’s story was heartbreaking-though he was loved and well-cared for, his owner had taken his own life and Brick was the one to find him. Doc shares that “Brick was suffering from depression and had some healing to do.” As a combat veteran, Doc understood those feelings all too well and felt a kinship with the dog. Adopting him was an easy choice.
Once home, Doc and Brick began to settle in, and Doc admitted to two crucial mistakes. The first was immediately bringing Brick to a chaotic skydiving drop zone with no time to establish a bond of trust. Brick was nervous and overstimulated by the end of the day. Shortly thereafter, Doc sat far too close to Brick on the sofa after giving him a marrow bone, which is what we in animal welfare refer to as a “high value treat”. After all Brick had been through, he was understandably possessive and growled at Doc to let him know he was too close.
Fortunately, rather than just giving up and assuming Brick was aggressive, Doc chose to believe that Brick was communicating in the only way he knew how and sought professional help from local trainers who were able to explain some of Brick’s behavior. Together, Doc & Brick began a journey to confidence, mutual respect, and trust. Based on Doc’s own journey as both a combat veteran and the owner of a strong-willed, complicated dog, he was the first to say that pairing vets with these furry friends would be a match made in heaven.